Get your minds out of the gutter! LOL! I mean Stash Enhancement EXperience! Spent Saturday with my DD and Mom and Dad shopping. We hit a new cross-stitch store called Stitch-It Central, Thread'n'Eye and Michael's, Chapters, and Home Depot (my parents are redoing their bathroom).

I got money for Christmas from both my parents and Hubby and DD. I spent some of it on The Gingerbread Stitching House by The Victoria Sampler, and I spent the rest picking up supplies for a few projects that I want to work on.
I fell in LOVE with the Joy Pillow in the Jan 2010 Cross-Stitch and Needlework magazine, so I bought the floss and beads for it.
Here is what it looks like!
I was having issues with my TV system over the weekend. Without getting into it all, Hubby walked me thru rerouting cords so I could watch TV again last night over instant messaging. I spent the afternoon watching Grey's Anatomy on my laptop and stitching the Joy Pillow. I have the "J" and "O" finished. I will post pics when I get it finished! It looks like SW Ontario will finally be getting some snow this week, so that means I should be getting lots of stitching in! Have a lovely week!