We held a joint family birthday this week, on Monday, May 31. Her birthday is one day before mine, May 31, with mine following on June 1. She is my birthday present every year! The gift that keeps on giving! Hubby was actually home and my parents came over for dinner. This year I had all my favourite things; BBQ-ed hamburgers, baked potatoes, home-made potato salad, green beans and for dessert, angel food cake with local strawberries and real whipped cream!! Mmmmm!
And boy did I get spoiled! Hubby has bought me a couple magazine subscriptions to Just CrossStitch and CrossStitch and Needlework, as well at the back issues for The Gift of Stitching Magazine. Plus for our anniversary in the beginning of May, and iPad! And boy is that baby fun to play with!! We don't have high speed yet, but when we do, I will be carrying this thing around the house with me, checking email, looking at youtube and all kinds of fun things!! My DD got me a new Cricut cartridge to play with and I can't wait!

My parents got me the Best of Teresa Wentzler Fantasy Collection Vol 2 and a chart from Told In A Garden, baby sampler with fabric and most of the threads to go with it. As well, my Mom already gave me a needle holder.

Finally I can tell you all the good news!! Very close friends of our family, Wendy and Kirk, (who got married last September) are going to have a baby! Wendy is like a little sister to me and the family can't be any more excited!! So I am going to stitch this up for her and her hubby and little one, who is due early December! We gave them all Samantha's furniture, crib, change table, high chair, swing, excersaucer, bouncy chair. We are all done with it, and it was just sitting here waiting to be used. I am also going to be making a baby album in a farm theme. Watch for that!!
I have a finish to share. In one of my groups, we had a bookmark challenge, the TW one. I have finished stitching it, but have no idea how to put it together. My Mom to the rescue!! LOL!Thanks again to Karen for helping me with this one! She brought over enlarged charts so I could make my own grid for easier stitching. The picture doesn't do it justice; the blues melt into greens and greys, making me think of driftwood and waves.
I think I should run a wildlife preserve here! I keep seeing more animals, and during the daylight hours! Yesterday I saw something at the edge of the wheat field in front of my house and wondered what now? So I ran and got the binoculars and saw a deer!
She was halfway between the house and the road!
Today, while making some lunch for myself, I look up out the window over my sink, and in disbelief, there she is again! REALLY CLOSE!! I ran for my camera and snapped off a whole bunch of pictures thru the window!! (It's a good thing that I cleaned my windows last week! LOL!) She is just beautiful!This one shows how close she actually came to the house! The picture was taken thru the door window off the porch. She kept looking at something up by the house and stomping her hoof! I found out that it was this character!!
This guy is Copper. He just showed up one day a few months after we moved in, very tame and affectionate. He'd been neutered by someone, and I took his picture around the neighboerhood, but no one claimed him. So we kept him, and he's Hubby's cat, as Copper thinks he's half dog. He like cheese and summer sausage. Which I discourage Hubby from feeding him!! But they sneak it after I go to bed!
Well, must be going for now. I am working on Papillon Creations Castles In The Air and after that I will be working on TW's Spring Carousel horse and the baby sampler, after I pick up the few colours I need. Enjoy the weather!