Holy Cow!!! Where did the summer go? I have no idea, but I can tell you that I will be happy to have some cooler temps! This last week was brutal and nasty in SW Ontario! I stayed indoors whenever possible. The temp went up to 33 degrees Celcius! Hot and muggy. But I feel bad for the people on the east coast of the United States and Canada. That Hurricane Earl looks like he could be rather nasty! My thoughts go out to all the people in those areas.
Another thing I can't wait for is "Back To School"!! YAY!! Back to a routine again! My DD, Samantha is not happy to be going back! But, she will get used to it! And she will be able to see her BFF, Brooke everyday, a good thing! The sleeping a little later, the no routine is nice, but it's also nice to get back in the grove!
I made my goal of finishing the TIAG Baby Sampler by the end of August, and I did so right on August 31! LOL! And here it is. Now I know that it is not complete without the writing, but as the baby is not born yet, it's a little difficult! Rest assured, that as soon as I find out all the info, the writing will be done! I also must confess, that I have done over one thread stitching before. I did a little red bird on VS Gingerbread Stitching House. But that was on 28 count linen, and not 32 count. I don't like 32 count, I have discovered. I had to stitch in the daylight with a magnifier. But all is well now!
Another thing I can't wait for is "Back To School"!! YAY!! Back to a routine again! My DD, Samantha is not happy to be going back! But, she will get used to it! And she will be able to see her BFF, Brooke everyday, a good thing! The sleeping a little later, the no routine is nice, but it's also nice to get back in the grove!
I made my goal of finishing the TIAG Baby Sampler by the end of August, and I did so right on August 31! LOL! And here it is. Now I know that it is not complete without the writing, but as the baby is not born yet, it's a little difficult! Rest assured, that as soon as I find out all the info, the writing will be done! I also must confess, that I have done over one thread stitching before. I did a little red bird on VS Gingerbread Stitching House. But that was on 28 count linen, and not 32 count. I don't like 32 count, I have discovered. I had to stitch in the daylight with a magnifier. But all is well now!

Right after I finished the baby sampler, I needed something small to work on, so I pulled out a small project that I had kitted up from the 2006 Just CrossStitch Ornament issue, by Little House Needleworks, called Pear Tree. I finished it in about 2 days.

Have started a new project! But what about your TW Spring Carousel Horse, you say?!? Well, of course I will get back to it. But I really wanted something new to work on! I will stop working on the new project, just as soon as the new part of Papillon Creations CITA comes out. Then back to to spring horse! Here it is!

I don't have any new animal photos for you. There has been some trees being felled, so some of my birds have left. I hope that when the dust settles, that they will come back! Anyways, have a lovely last long weekend of summer! Keep stitching!