Now on to the project updates!
Here is my Part 15 of Castles In The Air. I LOVE this project! I think I love Blackwork! It just turned out so well! But the fluer de lyes on the top of gate were supposed to be metallic thread, but as the colour I chose is gilt, I felt it wouldn't show up as well. The black seems more dramatic to me.
Here is a close up of the gate.Next is my progress on Stoney Creek's Moonbeams and Stardust Witch. The first was taken about two weeks ago and the second one was taken this morning.
My DD has a finish to share from the 2010 JCS ornament issue. I'm a little embarassed to admit that I haven't even started one from this issue yet. She beat me to the punch! LOL! She has done a great job! I am very proud of her stitching! She is now working on one for her teacher for Christmas! Even with all the rowing and homework she still finds time to work on her stitching!
I have been on a pattern buying spree lately! I love ebay!!And yes, your eyes do not decieve you! That is the elusive Best of Fantasy Vol 1! I finally found someone who would ship to Canada! I am so excited!! The Diamonds in Squares pattern and the Christmas one I bought from a Canadian seller. The Diamonds in Squares pattern is for the little chair I bought for my dressing table in my bedroom. I want to re-do the seat, which is very plain. I think it will be lovely!
Lastly, here are some wildlife pictures. The first was taken at my house and the second was taken at the small lake where my DD rows.

If I don't get a chance to update before Halloween, I hope everyone has a safe and happy one! Chat with you soon!