Hello my faithful readers! I hope everyone's weekend is going well! Here in Canada is the first official long weekend of summer, Victoria Day weekend, or May Two Four! It has been absolutely gorgeous here, sunny, warm, and not a hint of rain! I have alot to share with you, so please grab your refreshment of choice, cause this is a long one!!
First off, I had a scrapbooking weekend planned the last weekend in April with Hubby's Aunt Bev. We went to Friday night crop at a local church in her area to scrap and eat! (It was pot luck! I brought danishes) I met some fabulous ladies and managed to make some cards. On the Saturday, we went to a crop for ovarian cancer. I managed to get two double page layouts and five cards made! I even won some Creative Memories papers! We scrapped some more at her house Saturday evening, and Sunday morning. Around noon, I left to pick up DD, who spent the weekend with my parents.
Layout I made for Korbin, now just need to add pics!
Layout of our 2007 Florida trip to Disney World.
This is one of the cards I made. It was for my Dad's Birthday, which was May 2. It had birds on it in honour of my Dad!
This one is for my BIL, whose birthday was on May 13, but since I won't be seeing him until June 19, I am saving it and his present until then. Besides, he doesn't read my blog.
I have a couple more cards, but I can't show you until the events have passed, because I don't want to ruin the surprise!
These two charmers down below are what my DD and Mom made while I was away! They had a crafty weekend too! They finished these two, and had two more almost finished.
The one on the left is one DD made for a friend of hers. He loved him! But he is as yet, un-named! The one on the right is DD's. We (alright, me!!) have named her Gertrude, Gertie for short. DD was taking way too long naming her. And if her friend doesn't hurry up and name his, I will!!
The other two are going to little ones, one for my nephew, Korbin and the last one to my sister's niece, Lexy.
I just have to share, I won a giveaway from Scrapbook and Cards Today magazine blog! I was so excited! I won a surprise goodie bag full of things to scrap with! Plus some extras! I check out this blog faithfully everyday. And I won a prize over a year ago, but had never received the prize. So I called the magazine and got the owner/editor, who felt very bad that I never received my prize, so she threw in some extras and had it shipped priority to my house!!
I just have to share, I won a giveaway from Scrapbook and Cards Today magazine blog! I was so excited! I won a surprise goodie bag full of things to scrap with! Plus some extras! I check out this blog faithfully everyday. And I won a prize over a year ago, but had never received the prize. So I called the magazine and got the owner/editor, who felt very bad that I never received my prize, so she threw in some extras and had it shipped priority to my house!!
I can't wait to play with all this fun stuff!!
This is the view from my vehicle three of four afternoons a week! I sit by the lake, watch DD row, and stitch!

That is her rowing in the distance.
This is my start on Around the World in 80 Stitches by Papillion Creations. Not very far with it, I'm afraid.
The frogs have come to visit! I seem to be making counting mistakes everytime I sit down to stitch this one! I get one specialty stitch done, then I have to rip it out and start it again!
The next part came out today, but I am having trouble getting it to download! I have an email into Yvonne, so hopefully she can help me sort it out!
Can you find the mistake? Me either. Sigh. But there is one there somewhere! I just can't find it! At this time all is being ripped out. Going to start in the top left corner and work at it that way. Hopefully I will be able to trick the frogs into going away! If any one wants my frogs, willing to get rid of them real cheap! lol
Here is my monthly TUSAL update!
Here is DD's stitching update for the last two months. Since Florida, actually.
Dragon of Water, Dragon Dreams
Dragon of Earth and Dragon of Fire, both Dragon Dreams as well.
Since it has been so nice this past week, I've been motivated to tidy up my flower beds.
Front bed, with two oriole feeders
Back flower bed. Trying to discourage Copper from using this as a litter box! I also cleaned out my big pots and urns yesterday, so now all I need to get is dirt, fertilizer and plants! More pics to come when I get my pots planted!
This was the view out my upstairs hall window one morning a couple weeks back! Yes, it is my nemesis!
This thing just makes such a mess!! Don't let the cuteness fool you!!
It must be spring!!
This was taken with my iPhone the other day at the lake where DD rows. The goslings were so cute and fluffy! But these birds are the bane of DD's rowing coach!! They leave little presents all over the dock! lol
Speaking of baby birds leaving the nest. I know I usually like to end my blog with a bird picture, but this is my baby bird!
She's not quite ready to leave the nest, but she is a step closer. Here is a photo I took of her at school a week ago for her Grade 8 Grad photo shoot. There was a professional photographer there to take individual and group photos of the class. I brought my camera along too! I'm not ashamed to admit I got a little teary-eyed looking at her looking so grown up. All the grads looked wonderful in their dresses and suits!
Well, if you made it this far, thanks for coming along! Hope you all enjoy the rest of the weekend! Chat soon