Changed my blog design to something new that suits my personality! Yes, it's pink! My fav colour! I love pink! I have a wonderful raspberry pink Coach purse, and a couple pink cases for my iPod (just in case I feel like light pink, or dark) and my iPad case is hot pink! Even my cell phone is hot pink! Yes I love my pink!!
I have a couple of things back from my finisher! Thanks Mom! LOL! She may take a while, but the price is sure right! First is my DD's Unicorn pillow. Mom did a fab job on the sewing! DD is very happy with her new pillow! The second is my TW Designworks bookmark! We decided it needed a ribbon, so we found one is Mom's stash. I think it works well!
Here are the update/progress photos of my Spring Carousel Horse. I have finished the top left corner. It's not coming along as fast as I would like, but it's progress nonetheless. I have to now put it down to work on CITA Parts 13 and 14, which I hope to have finished by this weekend. According to Papillon Creations website, the next part won't be out until the middle of September, so I will have plenty of time to stitch the TIAG Baby Sampler. Of which I hope to be done by that point, other than the lettering, which I won't be able to finish until the baby is born in December.

A closer shot to see a little more detail.

I bought myself a little treat while Hubby and I had taken a trip to Brantford. We went to and I bought some silks and threads and this little needle holder. I have been better about not using my teeth to hold the needle while changing thread. (Very bad habit, I know! I'm working on it!)
Then we had dinner at Eastside Mario's. It was a nice treat to just go out together. DD was at my Mom's for a couple of days.
I have a some animal shots for your viewing pleasure! First, here is a picture of a cute little rabbit. It was just scared to death. The wheat fields around the house were being combined last week, and Hubby was cutting the lawn. Poor little thing had no idea where to go!
Next, are a couple of my birds! A couple of downy woodpeckers and