Hello, all my faithful readers! I have lots of big news to share, so grab a coffee, tea, or beverage of your choice. I am using my iPad for this post, so things might look a little different.
First of all, Sharon (aka Daffycat) I must apologize, I completely forgot to post March's TUSAL update. We were in Florida when my alert notified me, and when we got home, it completely slipped my mind. So here it is, with both my ort jars.
Since my last post, I have been really busy running DD to volleyball practices and games, and finally the tournamnet, which they came in third! Way to go, Bulldogs!! Plus outdoor rowing, on the lake! Then our water pump for the house went, and my washer and dryer had been acting up! So all three have been replaced!
We also had a scare with our kitty, Chloe! On Easter weekend, we woke up to our little bebe not feeling like herself. She was lethargic and not eating, which is so not like her! She is the first one to want to eat! And she wasn't drinking, so I gave her water by medicinal syringe. Easter Monday saw her at the vet's, where she stayed for three days and two nights. Blood tests, x-rays, and meds later, the conclusion was she had an inflamation of the intestines. I am happy to say she is back to her old, demon-like ways! lol we are happy to have her back!
Now on to the stitching update! With everything that has been happening, I'm afraid I haven't been getting much stitching done!TSS Thread Exchange for Jeanne Schutts
These are the threads for the Birthday Thread Exchange! I hope Jeanne gets it soon!
Here is my progress on Mirabilia's Silver Moon Tea. Not much, but every stitch helps!
Around the World in 80 Stitches SAL by Papillion Creations
Fabric-28 ct Lugana in New Khaki
DMC floss- 3011, 3012, 3013, 315, 778, 924, 927, 3821, 3823, 3740, 3743
Metallic thread-Rainbow Blending Thread #908
Beads- Mill Hill #00330
Perle Cotton-#8 and #12 Ecru
Here is my biggest news!! I have a new stand! A Lowry stitching stand! I am so in love with this stand! Hubby bought me this for our anniversary in May! Isn't he wonderful?! Many thanks go out to all the ladies who helped me with their opinions and advise! This is completely adjustable, and I am still kind of fine-tuning it, but so far it's wonderful! My shoulder doesn't hurt anymore, which is great!
I also bought The Victoria Sampler Stitcherama Cyberclass, Gingerbread Etui, which starts in September! I am very excited about this, as it goes with my other Gingerbread VS projects! Hopefully I can get the Stitching House and Church done before it starts! Wish me luck! lol
I was going to start ATW today, but I have a head cold, stuffy nose, earache, so I think I will just continue with Silver Moon Tea. Hope everyone has had a great weekend! Chat soon!